Tuesday, December 14, 2010

the cure of milk

Yesterday, I had to torture Nixon by changing his wet diaper and his outfit, because he had peed through. He was hysterical, and I could tell Andrew seemed a little nervous because of the volume of Nixon's cry. He sat down next to him and touched his face, and then said "Geez.. I hope you are going to give him some milk after this..."

That comment made me so happy. Andrew never approved of breastfeeding when I was pregnant, and I wasn't sure how much support I would get with it once Nixon came. I don't blame him, it's foreign to him, and he's such a boob guy, that I'm sure he was worried that he wouldn't even get to look at them again because they would be officially 'Nixon's.' The last three weeks, he's been supportive, but still doesn't completely 'get' it. He doesn't understand that I need to consume more calories than normal still because I'm feeding Nix as well, and he is weird about me nursing in public. I bought a nursing cover so I wouldn't make people feel uncomfortable at family parties around the holidays. I hate it though. I can't hold it up so I can see what I'm doing when I'm trying to latch him, and it feels hot and annoys me. So I haven't really been using it, and I shouldn't have to.

Anyways, just the comment being made, made me feel happy that I could give my baby something to calm him down, and that I am the ONLY one who can give that to him. My husband can't, my mom can't, my inlaws can't. Just me. Mama's milk will make him all better. It will fill his tummy, and make him calm and feel secure from the 'torture' he was just put through, and for my husband to say that, made me feel special and that I had more of his support than I knew of.

The last time I was in here...

Nixon is almost 4 weeks old. I can't believe it's almost been a month since he was was born. A month of mourning the loss of my peaceful and beautiful birth. Although I feel better emotionally as every day passes, I will never forget how violent everything felt once I got to the hospital on that rainy day, and had my beautiful baby cut out of me. This last Saturday, I was at my mom's house for a family party, and my dad asked me if I had lost all my baby weight...(now that I think about it.. that's such a no no question for a guy to ask haha,) and I realized I had forgotten to weigh myself since Nixon's birth. So I ran up to my mom's room, stepped onto her scale in the bathroom, and BOOM! it totally hit me. The last time I had stepped onto this same scale, was exactly 3 weeks before, and I was by myself in my mom's bathroom praying for labor to start up again. I sat down and cried hysterically. I looked around and pictured myself in the tub while my husband held my hand. It hurt really bad to be up there again. Everyone always tells me "at least your baby is here and healthy." That couldn't be more true. He is absolutely amazing. I love him to pieces, and I should no longer be thinking of November 20th as a bad day, but a happy day. The day my baby made it into the world safely.

Today, I was going through paperwork to get ready for our WIC appointment next week, and I came across all of the paperwork my husband had to sign while I was being rushed into the OR. It didn't hurt as bad. Everyday I feel better, but I will always wonder what went wrong, and what I could have done differently, and why God made things happen the way they did.

*ohhh btw.. I did lose most of my pregnancy weight. I was 116 pre-pregnancy, and now I'm down to 118. :)

Nixon's birth story

My last post.. bittersweet <333 I WAS in fact in labor.. and here is how things went..

Thursday I woke up feeling amazing. I wasn't tired, I felt refreshed, and I wasn't grumpy. I posted it on facebook, and got a ton of comments on how that's a sign of labor ;). My mom was leaving that night on a much needed trip with her best friend. She would only be two hours away, but I started getting a little nervous. I went and took a walk with Hayden, and came home. Andrew got home at 7:30pm, with a box of fluffy mail, we ate, and then Andrew and Hayden went to bed while I stayed up nesting. Contractions started at 8, and by 9 pm, I was in pain, and they were constant. I called my mom at 1am, woke her up, and told her to get her stuff together. I went in the bathroom and attempted to check myself but noticed a ton of bloody show, so I ran to call my midwife. Andrew and I packed the birth box and Hayden in the car, and showed up at my moms. My midwife Lisa checked me because I begged (I was excited to see how much I progressed without being in the hospital on pitocin.) She declared 4cm, and I got in the tub because I was uncomfortable. Andrew was downstairs with Hayden, and I was upset because my 18 year old sister decided she didn't want to be up that early, and wouldn't answer her phone to come watch Hay like we planned. My mom showed up about 3am. My contractions had slowed down a bit, and I tried to rest, and drank what felt like gallons of Gatorade. By 6am, contractions were 2cm apart, and I was full on laboring. The whole day was a blur. I remember getting in and out of the tub a bunch of times, laboring on the toilet, candles, starbuck runs, teaspoons of honey and bagels to keep my strength up, all while in major pain. I was completely dilated by 9pm, after 24 hours of labor, and my bag of water was bulging. I remember feeling for the first time, the weird feeling of spontaneous pushing. I didn't have to try, it was amazing and kind of yucky feeling at the same time. They broke my water in the tub with an amnicot right around 9:30. They thought maybe it was obstructing the head from coming down. I got to feel Nixons head, and after feeling the awfulness of 'transition' which felt like it had lasted hours, I got a surge of energy and felt that I was 'so close' to my goal. The blanket warmer was on, I watched as they set up the counter with bulb syringes, and oxygen and baby supplies. When I saw that, I was so overwhelmed with joy. They knew my baby would be there soon as well!

After pushing in various positions for a couple hours, they felt to see where his head was. It was still in the same position, but they had a feeling his head was OP (sunny side up.) That pushing urge had gone away, and I didn't feel strong enough contractions to even force pushing. I was frustrated, and really tired, so I laid down to sleep. This was at midnight. Andrew laid with me, because there wasn't enough action for pictures anymore. I got two strong contractions the rest of the night, where I remember reaching over and grabbing Andrews hand for help. They were constantly checking Nixons heart tones, and he never had decelleration, (not even earlier during contractions.) He was a trooper. The next thing I know, it was 7am, everyone had gotten sleep, and I STILL wasn't contracting. I got up, had breakfast, my strength was back, and I was ready to try all the herbs and sidestepping and pumping to try and bring on contractions again. At 10 am, I wanted some time to labor by myself. I sat in my moms bathroom, and cried, prayed hard, and took some last pictures of my belly. This would be Nixons birthday. I would no longer be pregnant after today. I needed to go to the hospital and have them try to start things up again. I came downstairs, announced the plan ( my midwives had already suggested it an hour before) and called a couple hospitals trying to explain what was going on, and hoping someone could point me in the direction of a doctor that wouldn't stick me straight into a c section. Everyone thought I was insane, of course couldn't guarantee anything over the phone, and one hospital almost wanted to send an ambulance. We showed up to corona regional, my mom was to meet us there within the hour. My midwife had called ahead of time so it didn't look like 'midwife dumping.' they wheeled me in, hooked me up to what seemed like a million monitors and ivs, and I had an awful nurse. The doctor came in, I explained everything, and he was willing to do what he could to try for a vaginal birth. I signed the waiver for vacuum assistance (Hayden was vacuum assisted) and waited for my strong pitocin contractions to come. All of a sudden, the nurse starts yelling at me "Youre having a huge d-cell! Omg see, you need a c section, I can't believe this" and throws an oxygen mask on me, and calls the doctor in. I looked at Andrew and i rolled onto my left side. Position change worked right away. The decell was 85. I expected a lower number because of how freaked she was. I told her when she came back in, that a little decelleration during contractions is normal, and position change (they had me flat on my back of course) would help. She was mad that I was telling her how to do her job. The doctor comes in, looks at the decells, and wasn't extremely worried because it's "normal" sometimes. Hah!
I never ended up getting those big painful pitocin contractions. They had to inform me of the contractions, because they weren't strong enough to feel, and pushing and two attempts of the vacuum didn't work. Nixon never came down from a +2 station. The doctor turned the light off, told me I needed a c section, and mumbled something about lunch in 30 min. I started crying so hard and I looked over at my husband and I've never seen him look that scared. He just grabbed my hand, the doctor tried to comfort me by asking what I was scared of and telling me that they would be sending me to pre op prep in 5 min. My mom didn't say a word the whole time. I don't think she could without falling apart. The crappy nurse says something about c sections being way safer than vaginal delivery in the first place, and how she's had 4 of them. How comforting...

I went in, received my spinal from the nicest person I had met so far, they laid me down, brought Andrew in, I begged him to stay on the same side of the drape and not look, and I immediately went into full panic mode and started to shake badly. They gave me something in my iv to calm me down as they were pulling the baby out. When they brought him over to me, I couldn't even move my head to look at him for the first time. I was so drugged up, I couldn't look at my baby. The next thing I knew, we were in recovery, Andrew was holding Nixon, and 2 nurses and the anestesiologist were sitting quietly on computers. It was over, he was here and perfect, but I spent the next two hours crying hysterically. I've never been so traumatized, I felt bad for Nixon for having to have such a traumatic birth, and I wanted to see my mom but they said I couldn't for a couple hours. In the end, One thing kept me from completely losing it. His name is:

Nixon John Timothy Jansen
6lbs. 13 oz.
18 inches long