Sunday, July 4, 2010

17 weeks 6 days

I haven't been on in awhile. I'm having a really really hard time right now. Hayden has been very two year old-ish lately, and I don't have the energy for it. I can't wait for the moment my husband walks in the door, but he absolutely doesn't get it at all. He is grumpy when he get's home, and the first thing he wants to do, is sit at his computer. I can understand wanting to unwind a bit after getting up at 5:30am, working all day, and then driving the hour home. However, I can't get him to realize that I desperately need a break, or at least for him to step in and take over the responsibility 50/50 with me. We fight about it constantly. He hardly plays with Hayden anymore, and thinks that it's (and I quote) "your job as a SAHM, so you shouldn't need a break." I'm not ever asking for a vacation and to leave Hayden with him for a week by himself, but for us to come down with some sort of routine because that excuse is total BS. I also noticed that I am the one who does almost all of the potty training work, he will dump his toilet after I tell him to, but never right away, which ends in me having to dump it so Hayden won't pick it up and carry it around, sloshing pee everywhere. He won't do his hair, or brush his teeth because it's 'too complicated' and when we go out, that leaves me to doing everything for hayden, and then not having time to get myself ready.

Along with 100 other things going on right now, that tops it and and I'm so drained. Will update more later.

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