Tuesday, October 5, 2010

31 weeks, 2 days

Haven't updated in awhile. Everything has been going pretty well since I have been taking a bunch of new vitamins/supplements on top of my regular prenatal. Nixon is very active, and really down low in the birth canal. He get's hiccups like 3454958 times a day, and seems to like to hang out on the right side of my abdomen, which isn't the most comfortable thing.

Hayden is doing really well. After countless nights of not sleeping, we decided to get the other queen bed from my mom's house, throw two of them on the floor pushed up against each other, and do one large family bed. I love it. He loves it, and Andrew seems to like it, although, I won't sleep with him on the squishy one. He has to come on the firmer one if he wants to be next to me. We are planning on having him and Hay on one, and Nixon and I on the other one when he shows up.

Also, Hayden has been fully potty trained for a couple months. He does great. He just tells us he has to 'Pee-potty' and if there is 'poo in there' or not hahah. I'm so proud of him. I wasn't expecting him to be potty trained before Nixon came. I figured boys were much harder and took their time.

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