Last night, Hayden was itching his head all night. It was so weird. It was causing him to toss and turn and be restless. You could tell he was getting annoyed, and so he sat up in bed scratching and started crying for me. I told him to come to our bed, and he did, and Andrew offered to sleep on the couch. Then he whined and said "I wanna apple." and I of course said 'No baby, it's time for nigh night." So he tried " Wanna or-een" I told him the same thing 'No orange, it's time for nigh night, you can have one in the morning." and after a few more itches, he went right back to sleep. Then this morning I felt his soft spot and it is twice as small as it was week ago! I think it's finally closing. I really hope it does. The doctor won't tell me what they would do if it doesn't close. He just 'guarantees' that it will. I'm not sure how a doctor can guarantee anything, but apparently this one thinks he can.
We WILL be able to pay rent. Andrew put his old snowboard stuff on Craigslist, and it wasn't selling, so he put his iphone up on Ebay :( I feel bad, but I dont at the same time. He got an offer right away and the guy paid and we already shipped it out. And then an hour later, he got an email, from a guy that is going to meet him in an hour to buy his snowboard bindings. So we will have just enough. I'm so thankful. I was getting really stressed out.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
There is someone on my facebook friend's list, that has a few kids under the age of two. She seems to be always complaining about being a parent and not having a life. It's driving me crazy, but I don't want to delete her because I feel bad. It's like every other status is talking about how hard the day will be, and has been, and she misses having a life. I think she should maybe get some help for Postpartum depression or something. It could be serious. Either that, or she's just hypersensitive. Being a parent is great. I like my life better now, than I did before Hayden was born.
I'm exhausted.. ....
I'm exhausted.. ....
Monday, February 22, 2010
I told Andrew today that he needs to buckle down and figure a way to pay rent. We have 3 days less this month because of the month ending on the 28th.
I went to Alex's and dyed yarn with her again. I'll post pics soon. It was fun, but she said it didn't really turn out. It's too light.
My sister is an okay singer, but I'm so sick of how cocky she is about it. And she has to sing all the time. It seems like everywhere I go she's singing. She get's really serious about it. Like the other day, we were all in Hayden's room, and we put Disney movie sound tracks on on his ipod, and we were cleaning his room and me, my mom, brynne, and caelin were all singing, and brynne has to stand up and belt it out so that she's louder than everyone and drowns us out. **Annoyed**
I'm sure this is due to my up and coming AF this week.
I went to Alex's and dyed yarn with her again. I'll post pics soon. It was fun, but she said it didn't really turn out. It's too light.
My sister is an okay singer, but I'm so sick of how cocky she is about it. And she has to sing all the time. It seems like everywhere I go she's singing. She get's really serious about it. Like the other day, we were all in Hayden's room, and we put Disney movie sound tracks on on his ipod, and we were cleaning his room and me, my mom, brynne, and caelin were all singing, and brynne has to stand up and belt it out so that she's louder than everyone and drowns us out. **Annoyed**
I'm sure this is due to my up and coming AF this week.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Last night was pretty much back to normal, besides Hay waking up twice for a bottle. But he was calm, and awake. Not out of it.
My mom just got back from Atlanta last night, and her and Keith went to a meeting for FHTM and dropped Caelin off. The kids have been playing well together so far. I have seen a lot of new behavior with Hayden. He is talking so much. Also, he's singing a lot. He does his best, and it sounds like baby mimicking of the words of the song, but you can tell what he's singing. His favorites are 'Bringing home my baby bumble bee' and 'Lullabye' from Pajanimals. Haha. We downloaded a bunch of music for his ipod today. I have also noticed negative behavior as well. Like when Caelin pulled something away from him today he yelled 'MINNNNNNNE' and scratched her and pulled her hair really hard. I'm sure since he is talking more he will be able to express himself soon without fighting.
Stocked the shop today. I'm not motivated to finish my crocheted wool shorts. I used too small of a needle and it's taking forever and my wrist keeps cracking, but I know as soon as I finish that, I can get onto doing Hayden's longies with the yummy yarn I bought from knitpicks that is just sitting waiting.
My mom just got back from Atlanta last night, and her and Keith went to a meeting for FHTM and dropped Caelin off. The kids have been playing well together so far. I have seen a lot of new behavior with Hayden. He is talking so much. Also, he's singing a lot. He does his best, and it sounds like baby mimicking of the words of the song, but you can tell what he's singing. His favorites are 'Bringing home my baby bumble bee' and 'Lullabye' from Pajanimals. Haha. We downloaded a bunch of music for his ipod today. I have also noticed negative behavior as well. Like when Caelin pulled something away from him today he yelled 'MINNNNNNNE' and scratched her and pulled her hair really hard. I'm sure since he is talking more he will be able to express himself soon without fighting.
Stocked the shop today. I'm not motivated to finish my crocheted wool shorts. I used too small of a needle and it's taking forever and my wrist keeps cracking, but I know as soon as I finish that, I can get onto doing Hayden's longies with the yummy yarn I bought from knitpicks that is just sitting waiting.
Friday, February 19, 2010
February has been a weird month, and I can't help but think a little negatively and wonder if the rest of the year is going to be like this month has been. I know there are bad months and good.. maybe I got mine out of the way for the rest of the year. That would be nice. I haven't posted about the fun little things we've done. Here are some pictures to highlight them.
We made pretzels from scratch:

We romped in the mud after a stretch of rainy days:

(yes those are my little sister's pink boots he has on)
We had a nice valentine's day, and I woke up to cute little gifts from my boys:

and my friend Alex and I dyed yarn
We made pretzels from scratch:
We romped in the mud after a stretch of rainy days:

We had a nice valentine's day, and I woke up to cute little gifts from my boys:

and my friend Alex and I dyed yarn
Last night...
Last night went like this..
-Hayden down for bed at 9.
-Hayden up at 10:30, found him all sweaty on the floor, put him back in bed, he went right back to sleep.
-Hayden up at 1:40. Started screaming right away and kicking. We watched him for a minute hoping it would stop. It didn't, so I went over and followed what some of the articles said to do (not pick them up, or try to hold them down because it will prolong it.) He started hurting himself, so I brought him on the bed with us and we just watched him and tried saying calming things. And then he kicked me really hard in the stomach and I leaned over and he pulled a huge chunk of my hair and started scratching. Andrew had to literally pry his fingers off of me. I finally couldn't handle it anymore, so I flipped on the light, picked him up and started bouncing with him and we were talking about Spongebob, and waved to his spongebob pillow and we talked about happy things he likes, and asked if he wanted a drink and he snapped out of it really fast. We tried to get him to go back down, but he was wide awake. So we took him to the living room and read him some books, and kept the lights dimmed, hoping he would want to sleep again, but he didn't. So we watched spongebob until 5am while Andrew slept a shift. Then I brought him to bed, and he slept until 8, and then woke up doing the same thing.. (ARRRRRG) and he drank a bottle, fought us a bit, and then went down until 10am. I wouldn't say it was worse, because he wasn't screaming for a straight three hours, and instead we got to cuddle and spend time together, but I think it was longer than the other nights, and we definitely had less sleep.
On another note, I wrote my dad a nasty letter and taped it to the coffee maker. It basically summed up how Andrew and I are feeling about him suddenly 'giving up' and not taking feeding or buying food for his animals, not paying his cell bill, not paying his half of the utilities, spending the paycheck that was supposed to be on his car payment last payday on other crap, so he has to pay it this time and rent has to wait until the 5th. That's BS. We have NO money, and we still are scraping and finding a way to pay rent on time. He should do the same thing. I also wrote to him about how horrible it was that he left my sister at school the other night and never showed up to pick her up, and then IMed me on face book to ask if I could pick her up 40 minutes late because he was too drunk to drive home and he was at his sisters. He's totally letting us down and at this time in our life, with everything going on, we DON'T need that extra stress.
On a more positive note, when Hayden was up last night, I walked away to go to the bathroom and I swore I heard a voice with him. I walked back in and he had called his Gabba (my mom.) She was up because she's in Atlanta right now and they are 3 hours ahead of us. She told me she won her Pat Benatar contest, and received prize money and everyone was coming up to her freaking out because of how good her voice is. I'm glad she won. She deserves it. I miss her and hope she comes home safely tonight.
-Hayden down for bed at 9.
-Hayden up at 10:30, found him all sweaty on the floor, put him back in bed, he went right back to sleep.
-Hayden up at 1:40. Started screaming right away and kicking. We watched him for a minute hoping it would stop. It didn't, so I went over and followed what some of the articles said to do (not pick them up, or try to hold them down because it will prolong it.) He started hurting himself, so I brought him on the bed with us and we just watched him and tried saying calming things. And then he kicked me really hard in the stomach and I leaned over and he pulled a huge chunk of my hair and started scratching. Andrew had to literally pry his fingers off of me. I finally couldn't handle it anymore, so I flipped on the light, picked him up and started bouncing with him and we were talking about Spongebob, and waved to his spongebob pillow and we talked about happy things he likes, and asked if he wanted a drink and he snapped out of it really fast. We tried to get him to go back down, but he was wide awake. So we took him to the living room and read him some books, and kept the lights dimmed, hoping he would want to sleep again, but he didn't. So we watched spongebob until 5am while Andrew slept a shift. Then I brought him to bed, and he slept until 8, and then woke up doing the same thing.. (ARRRRRG) and he drank a bottle, fought us a bit, and then went down until 10am. I wouldn't say it was worse, because he wasn't screaming for a straight three hours, and instead we got to cuddle and spend time together, but I think it was longer than the other nights, and we definitely had less sleep.
On another note, I wrote my dad a nasty letter and taped it to the coffee maker. It basically summed up how Andrew and I are feeling about him suddenly 'giving up' and not taking feeding or buying food for his animals, not paying his cell bill, not paying his half of the utilities, spending the paycheck that was supposed to be on his car payment last payday on other crap, so he has to pay it this time and rent has to wait until the 5th. That's BS. We have NO money, and we still are scraping and finding a way to pay rent on time. He should do the same thing. I also wrote to him about how horrible it was that he left my sister at school the other night and never showed up to pick her up, and then IMed me on face book to ask if I could pick her up 40 minutes late because he was too drunk to drive home and he was at his sisters. He's totally letting us down and at this time in our life, with everything going on, we DON'T need that extra stress.
On a more positive note, when Hayden was up last night, I walked away to go to the bathroom and I swore I heard a voice with him. I walked back in and he had called his Gabba (my mom.) She was up because she's in Atlanta right now and they are 3 hours ahead of us. She told me she won her Pat Benatar contest, and received prize money and everyone was coming up to her freaking out because of how good her voice is. I'm glad she won. She deserves it. I miss her and hope she comes home safely tonight.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Jobs and night terrors.
I'm really super stressed out right now. We pretty much have $100 to our name and our rent is due by the 3rd. I applied for food assistance for us temporarily until Andrew get's a job. It said it should take up to 3 days to hear back from them and then we would have to come into a group meeting. I hope it doesn't take too long.
Andrew went to two interviews yesterday for a company. I really hope they call him and offer him a job. The stress is making me physically sick.
Hayden most likely has night terrors. A bunch of people sent me articles on the subject and it seems to fit him perfectly.
Andrew is mad at me for being stressed. He doesn't understand when I cry or am upset because his family never showed any feelings. I don't understand how he can be so compassionate with Hayden, and think I'm being ridiculous.
I'm hoping for a better night.
Andrew went to two interviews yesterday for a company. I really hope they call him and offer him a job. The stress is making me physically sick.
Hayden most likely has night terrors. A bunch of people sent me articles on the subject and it seems to fit him perfectly.
Andrew is mad at me for being stressed. He doesn't understand when I cry or am upset because his family never showed any feelings. I don't understand how he can be so compassionate with Hayden, and think I'm being ridiculous.
I'm hoping for a better night.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Catch up.
Dyed yarn last night for the second time. First time, I hand painted with kool aid. It turned out way too pastelly. Last night, Alex and I used Wiltons food coloring gels. Next time, I'll either use koolaid again or try my hand at acid dyeing because Wilton's sucked. The gel didn't dissolve all the way, no matter how hard we tried, and so there were floaty pieces of seperated color and it looks like I smeared crap on parts of it. Gross. I was going for a colorway to match the Ooga Booga spice fabric. FAIL. The green bled into the maroon and the orange was orange at first and now looks hot pink. It's horrible. But I can't wait for it to dry so I can twist it in a hank and see if it is useable or maybe sell it. Maybe someone else would like it!?
Hayden has been really into opening the beer fridge and bringing beer to us. It might be convenient later, but at 7am, nobody wants beer, and I really don't want to clean up a dropped one, so I think we need to figure out some sort of locking mechanism for that and the pantry. He pulled down a container of Raisin Bran twice and threw a few handfuls in the hallway before nicely putting it back.
My mom just called me. She's just landed in Houston from California for a business trip. She had to call me and tell me about her plane ride. She said she started falling asleep, and all of a sudden she heard someone screaming so she woke up and looked at the couple sitting across from her. The wife was convulsing in her seat really bad. The husband pulled her tongue out of her throat because she was choking on it and he was freaking out. Everyone got up and started helping, and there was a doctor on board. The husband told him she just passed out and that it was the second time and that she was pregnant. My mom was mad that he didn't know that it wasn't passing out but it was a seizure. They hooked her up to oxygen and when they finally got off the plane my mom walked up to the husband and let him know that when someone passes out, they don't move, and that his wife in fact had a seizure, and he did the right thing by holding her tongue back. He said they were going to make a doctors appointment right away. That sounds so scary. I would be freaking out and take my wife right to the hospital. Especially if it was the second time. It could be pregnancy induced and she shouldn't be allowed to drive for the safety of herself and others. Idk why stuff like that follows my mom wherever she goes. Lol.
Hay slept horribly last night. We moved his bed in our room because it's extremely disruptive for everyone in the house when Hayden get's up and starts kicking the walls and banging on his door. And it takes him longer to get back to sleep. So the first night in our room, he didn't fall asleep until almost midnight. Then, he was up at 3am but went right back to sleep, and then again at 7am freaking out and jumped in our bed with us and asked for a bottle, and then after fighting for a half an hour, he went back to sleep until 9. Then last night he went to sleep at 10:30, up at 3 for a bottle, and then again at 5am for a bottle. I only gave him one once. The second time, he just fell back asleep. Then he was up again at 7, and now it's almost 10 and he's going strong on an energy rush. I let Andrew sleep in. I'm going for a nap when Hay does, and then I need to get some work done.
I'm hoping my Brambleberry soap supplies come today, and my yarn and prefolds. I love packages. I love trading. Idk what I would do without <3
Monday, February 8, 2010
stomach yuck
hay and I both have a stomach bug. he's had it since Friday night and I just got it today. not pleasant. at least I'm not throwing up. (knock on every piece of wood in my house)
what a night?
a screaming,gassy, inconsolable toddler and creepy paranormal activity. I hope tonight is better.
Friday, February 5, 2010
I was hoping to be posting soon about Andrew getting a full time position but now it looks like I will be posting about them letting him go. He came home early today and I don't know exactly what is going on but its not good. he will know by Monday if he still has a job.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
stomach it
so I didn't make it to my. appointment today. You have to pay up front. I can't afford that. its pretty sad when your family doesn't have health coverage, so you go without healthcare. the best the state can give me is some plan where I have to pay everything until it gets to 700. okay... well that's not going to help me with the $60 + office visits and the lab tests they want to run on me.
at least hayden has health coverage.
today, my stomach has been pissed at me for something I ate. but nobody else is sick so maybe its the antibiotics all of a sudden giving me side affects after
at least hayden has health coverage.
today, my stomach has been pissed at me for something I ate. but nobody else is sick so maybe its the antibiotics all of a sudden giving me side affects after
I finally went to the doctor after 4 months of strange symptoms. they said my white blood cell count in my urine was in the 500s and the count for a normal Uti is 60-70. And proteins in my urine show its probably attacking my kidneys pretty badly. So I'm on keflex and I have an appointment today with the urologist. I need to call at 8 and see if I have to pay up front or if I can get billed. If I have to pay up front then I can't do the appt. I don't have the kind of money to front to see a specialist right now. Andbof course you can't pay with a credit card.
I may be making my friend a stash of cloth diapers today with a bunch of fabric she has. she wants to start potty training so she wants to switch to.cloth for the time being.
I may be making my friend a stash of cloth diapers today with a bunch of fabric she has. she wants to start potty training so she wants to switch to.cloth for the time being.
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