Monday, February 22, 2010


I told Andrew today that he needs to buckle down and figure a way to pay rent. We have 3 days less this month because of the month ending on the 28th.

I went to Alex's and dyed yarn with her again. I'll post pics soon. It was fun, but she said it didn't really turn out. It's too light.

My sister is an okay singer, but I'm so sick of how cocky she is about it. And she has to sing all the time. It seems like everywhere I go she's singing. She get's really serious about it. Like the other day, we were all in Hayden's room, and we put Disney movie sound tracks on on his ipod, and we were cleaning his room and me, my mom, brynne, and caelin were all singing, and brynne has to stand up and belt it out so that she's louder than everyone and drowns us out. **Annoyed**

I'm sure this is due to my up and coming AF this week.

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