Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Catch up.

Dyed yarn last night for the second time. First time, I hand painted with kool aid. It turned out way too pastelly. Last night, Alex and I used Wiltons food coloring gels. Next time, I'll either use koolaid again or try my hand at acid dyeing because Wilton's sucked. The gel didn't dissolve all the way, no matter how hard we tried, and so there were floaty pieces of seperated color and it looks like I smeared crap on parts of it. Gross. I was going for a colorway to match the Ooga Booga spice fabric. FAIL. The green bled into the maroon and the orange was orange at first and now looks hot pink. It's horrible. But I can't wait for it to dry so I can twist it in a hank and see if it is useable or maybe sell it. Maybe someone else would like it!?

Hayden has been really into opening the beer fridge and bringing beer to us. It might be convenient later, but at 7am, nobody wants beer, and I really don't want to clean up a dropped one, so I think we need to figure out some sort of locking mechanism for that and the pantry. He pulled down a container of Raisin Bran twice and threw a few handfuls in the hallway before nicely putting it back.

My mom just called me. She's just landed in Houston from California for a business trip. She had to call me and tell me about her plane ride. She said she started falling asleep, and all of a sudden she heard someone screaming so she woke up and looked at the couple sitting across from her. The wife was convulsing in her seat really bad. The husband pulled her tongue out of her throat because she was choking on it and he was freaking out. Everyone got up and started helping, and there was a doctor on board. The husband told him she just passed out and that it was the second time and that she was pregnant. My mom was mad that he didn't know that it wasn't passing out but it was a seizure. They hooked her up to oxygen and when they finally got off the plane my mom walked up to the husband and let him know that when someone passes out, they don't move, and that his wife in fact had a seizure, and he did the right thing by holding her tongue back. He said they were going to make a doctors appointment right away. That sounds so scary. I would be freaking out and take my wife right to the hospital. Especially if it was the second time. It could be pregnancy induced and she shouldn't be allowed to drive for the safety of herself and others. Idk why stuff like that follows my mom wherever she goes. Lol.

Hay slept horribly last night. We moved his bed in our room because it's extremely disruptive for everyone in the house when Hayden get's up and starts kicking the walls and banging on his door. And it takes him longer to get back to sleep. So the first night in our room, he didn't fall asleep until almost midnight. Then, he was up at 3am but went right back to sleep, and then again at 7am freaking out and jumped in our bed with us and asked for a bottle, and then after fighting for a half an hour, he went back to sleep until 9. Then last night he went to sleep at 10:30, up at 3 for a bottle, and then again at 5am for a bottle. I only gave him one once. The second time, he just fell back asleep. Then he was up again at 7, and now it's almost 10 and he's going strong on an energy rush. I let Andrew sleep in. I'm going for a nap when Hay does, and then I need to get some work done.

I'm hoping my Brambleberry soap supplies come today, and my yarn and prefolds. I love packages. I love trading. Idk what I would do without diaperswappers.com <3

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