Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tomorrow WILL be better.

Apparently it wasn't a good night to make soap. The powers at be were against me. List of events in order:

1) Added coffee to lye and huge fountain explosion happened. Caustic lye shot all over my arm and all over our stove into the burners and on our floor.

2.) Started over.. and Hayden wakes up with a night terror. Andrew cleaned up, while I turned my oils on low and took Hay for a drive around the block to calm down.

3.) Came back, Hay is stuffed up so he doesn't want to sleep. Andrew took him in the room and put on Toy Story and is laying with him. I'm hoping it's just allergies and not the flu hitting hard all of a sudden.

4.) Added the coffee to the lye with success, started blending them together, it traced nicely, and then I noticed the oils and liquid started to seperate and heard a weird noise with my hand blender... It had melted with the heat and was warped a little.

5.) Soap then decides to start expanding and boiling over and spilling out of the crock pot. Now I have it turned off, and it's cooling. I added the grounds, and it looks nice... I just hope it sets nice.. it doesn't look promising. I just poured it into the mold (which is a large cardboard box) and was thinking to myself.. 'what's next??' and I guessed the wax paper would melt and it would seep through the box. I was correct. This is frustrating.

I'm very very tired, my baby is miserable and is crying in the room with Andrew because he can't breathe, and my soap is possibly ruined. And to top that off, I'm still recovering from the stomach flu that snuck up on me this morning at the Radiologist office..

Tomorrow will be better.

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