Saturday, April 10, 2010

5 weeks, 5 days :/

Okay, so apparently, if I go by my ovulation date, my due date changes to December 6th, and I'm not 6 weeks yet. I'm 5 weeks, 5 days today. Sigh.

I find it totally weird how my best friend became pregnant and just totally ditches me. I have been nothing but supportive while she talked about her charts and her temps while ttc. I could tell she was totally getting discouraged and was upset. When she finally got pregnant I was so excited for her, and that's when I felt it was safe to TTC since I wouldn't hurt her feelings by possible getting pregnant first since I kind of have a track record of getting pregnant pretty fast. I noticed she was blowing me off when I was asking questions about ovulation and such, and when I got pregnant, she signs offline in the middle of conversations, kind of seems like she has a superior attitude, and doesn't really seem like she wants anything to do with me. It's frustrating because we hung out and talked almost everyday before that, and I was really excited to be pregnant together since we have so much in common with cloth diapering, and the business, and knitting, and dyeing yarn. I'm bummed. I hope she comes around soon. :/

On another note, we had a garage sale this morning. Nicole and I. It was freezing, so we bundled up the boys and chased the around the yard. We didn't sell much, which kind of sucks, but I'm going to try again tomorrow at my mom's since she lives on the corner and we have always had great success with garage sales.

Andrew is getting off work late tonight, and is just meeting me here at my mom's house. I have been hanging out here all day, because she has better food than we do. Sad. Haha. My stepdad is camping, so it's nice to not have his douche-box-ness vibe fogging up the house. Hayden and I took a bath in her nice big bath tub and talked about bubbles, and candles, and washing of hair. I pictured giving birth in her tub. I really hope I get to do it and I don't get ruled out for any reason. I pictured lots of candles around, warm water, and a bowl of fruit salad.

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