Thursday, April 15, 2010


Okay, I'm just going to say it because nobody else does.

Being a SAHM is HARD. Harder than I ever ever thought. I'm home all day, everyday, with NO car, and I can't bring him in the backyard. This totally has to change. I can't keep him cooped up in the house all day with no sunshine and no running around and I can't do it either. We have to work something out with the car. I would take Andrew to work, but he works too far away. I need to be able to get out and take him to the park and go have play dates at OTHER people's houses. The same thing everyday is causing me to be depressed, and when Hayden acts out, I get frustrated and yell at him, and I don't want to do that. At least when I worked, and Hayden was in daycare, I would get to come home and I felt like I enjoyed him more. Even the naughty things. How horrible does that sound.. I feel like a bad parent for saying that, but I know it can happen, and I know I'm not the only one. I wish our neighborhood was halfway decent so I could walk around. It's not at al though. I also live right by a very busy street and that's the only way I can get anywhere if I walked. There are about 3 markers with flowers where someone has gotten hit either being a pedestrian or on a bike. Screw that.

1 comment:

  1. K, being a SAHM without a car is HARD! I've been there- busy street and all. I hope you can figure out a way to get out and about for both of your sanity's sakes.
