Thursday, November 18, 2010


Yesterday was a horrible day. I was crying and calling my mom by 7:30am. Hayden was helacioius, Andrew and I had fought the night before because of never seeing him, and I was so unbelievably tired from not getting any sleep. I ended up taking Hay for a walk in the stroller (he refused to walk for some reason) and met a girl that lives in our complex that is a SAHM to a 15 month old. We talked for awhile about how 'not easy' it is to stay home all day alone while your husband works. Then Hay and I came home, and all of a sudden like a brick wall, I felt horrible. I had a headache, my intestines were in knots and I had HORRIBLE diarrhea. It was weird. Since Hayden was ready for a nap, we laid down, and only ended up sleeping for 45 min before he woke up. Then last night, I figured I would try to speed things along. So we DTD, and then I took the dog for a walk around the complex to start up contractions (it always works.) However, it didn't do much, so I went to bed.

I woke up this morning feeling GREAT! Like I'm not even pregnant (besides Nixon moving around) He's not beating up my cervix, I can walk better, breathe better, and I'm really refreshed. Especially for not sleeping very well last night. I was ready to go grocery shopping by 7am, and grabbed a Starbucks. I called my mom and told her how I felt, and she immediately got worried, and said that's what happened to her before she went into labor with me at night, and my sister. Now everyone is saying that, and although it would be nice, I can't see it happening. I just don't get the vibe.

Everything is great so far, besides extreme fits from Hayden (which for some reason I have a newfound patience for) and having to punish the cat by locking her in the bathroom 500 times because she won't stay off the kitchen table or counters.

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