Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Changes and decisions.

Dyed some wool yarn for the first time the other night with kool-aid. It didn't turn out as bright as I wanted. In fact, it is VERY pastel-ish. I did a green and blue. I'm going to take back the Dylon dye that I bought by mistake. (Actually, it was Andrew who picked it out. He was going for whatever was cheapest.)

Yesterday, I took advantage of the unoccupied cubbies that we have in the house where the washer and dryer hookups used to be, before they were moved to the garage by the landlord. I moved my rolling cart and some bins, and created a very organized craft corner. Andrew brought in an unoccupied desk that was just sitting in his 'cave' and put it in our dining area. It actually flows quite nicely. We now have access to the kitchen table. What a concept! Before, we all stood and ate, except for a small spot of tabletop cleared just for Hayden for meals.

I had a serious talk with Andrew last night about my 'no circumcising' debate. He told me he didn't really care, and because I did the research, and he didn't 'feel' like looking at the research, he wasn't informed enough to retort. So I explained that I wanted to be on the same page, and I would really like it if he looked at the information instead of basically 'giving up.' He sat and listened to the things I read him, and still said the same thing. He really doesn't care. I know that sounds bad, but after the initial argument about cloth diapering, he realized how great it was, and he didn't care either way about the 'no vaccination' thing at first, but then he realized how healthy, and happy Hayden is. Occasionally he will comment about something vaccination related. Saying he doesn't 'care' isn't right. It's more like, he doesn't really have an opinion. Once he get's the initial hang of it, he thinks its great. He's just not too much of a 'feelings sharer.'

So.. we will be leaving our future un-conceived son intact. If we even have another son. At least I know that it's out of the way. There is no going back. After seeing and reading what I have, I could never change my mind.

We also decided that we would either side car the crib to our bed, or put our mattress on the ground and push a twin up against it to cosleep when the second baby comes. I would really really like to do that now. Just put our mattress on the ground, and put Hayden's mattress up against it so we can all sleep together. I don't think Andrew would go for it though. It just makes me feel better, and it's a lot easier for me to comfort him when he get's up throughout the night. I know I shouldn't complain, but it's hard for me to get up 8 times and go in and rock him and give him a bottle.

I'm still unsure.

Still more strange symptoms for me.

I went to our wic appt today, and I was really nervous and had a huge adrenaline rush from being late, and then walking in to 100 other people in there. I don't like long waits, and I don't like feeling crowded. Both cause intense panic attacks for me. So I took some Nerve Tonic, and distracted myself with my happy spastic son. It wasn't nearly as long as I imagined, and I got in and out of there in an hour. Then I drove to the end of the plaza and redeemed our vouchers. When I got home, I peeled a tangerine and ate it, and had a small cup of milk. About 10 min later I started getting an ache in my jaw, and then noticed my glands below my ears/throat had swelled up, and now my throat feels funny. That whole area keeps twitching now. I'm so sick of my 'gland' problems and them swelling up for no reason. I know I'm not allergic to milk, or tangerines so what gives???! I know stress can cause hives and IBS, and other strange internal/external things for people, so maybe that's my symptom?? If it's not gone by the end of the day, I'll see if my mom can put a doctors visit on her credit card for me, and we will pay her back on payday. I hate to do that, but I don't want to have something life threatening wrong with me and find out it could have been prevented by something. I'm scared. Everyday something new happens, whether it's random blood sugar attacks, or bad headaches. I would like to get everything like that taken care of before we have another baby.

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