Sunday, January 24, 2010


I smell something so incredibly bad in my kitchen. I checked the trash, garbage disposal, fridge, pantry, counters, and even myself (thankfully it's not me) and I can't find the source. I'm really really hoping it's not some sort of dead rodent in the walls. There is one in Hayden's room, but I'm not cutting into the drywall to find it and remove it. Hopefully we don't have a repeat of that in the kitchen. Gross.

I have been working on a huge stack of un-paper towels and cloth napkins for the grand opening of our congo. I feel like I have a lot of work, but not enough stuff to put on there. I messed up on a set, so I kept them for the family, and made a matching hanging linen pail that hangs on the oven door for dirty cloth. I didn't even need to explain how to use the system. I woke up this morning, and everything was already being used and disposed of in the bag. Yesssss.

I also feel like I haven't been playing with/teaching Hayden as much as I should because of all the work I am doing at home. I try to keep everything until the evening when he goes to bed, but I have a hard time just sitting there and playing or watching shows with him when I know he plays so well by himself and I could be getting things done. Luckily, I work on the kitchen table for now, and he can come up to me and bring/show me things as he pleases and comes up randomly for 'mama loves' as I call them. There is a pile sitting here on the table of random things he has brought me. A stack of Dr. Suess books that I read, a computer mouse, Season 1 of Grey's Anatomy, His felt sushi, a car, a play drill, and a Yo Gabba Gabba character.

I have separation issues when he sleeps. Even though I would love to use that time to get things done. When he's down for a nap, or in bed, I feel weird. I miss him and need him running around and playing.

I have HORRIBLE AF cramps. It's causing all kinds of wonderful lower intestinal uproar this morning.

We visited Andrew's parent's the other day, and they asked why he never has shoes on. Well, he's inside at home pretty much everyday, so I don't see why he needs to wear shoes. He's always barefoot, in socks, or in slippers (although we misplaced one.) She asked about the shoes that she got him for Christmas, and I told her that they didn't fit. So we gave them back yesterday, and she exchanged them and picked up a couple more pairs and some socks haha. It's not like he is deprived. We a pair that he wears when we go out places other than families house. I don't see the need to buy him 3 or 4 pairs because of the rate that his feet grow. They are wide and chunky. Like blocks. Poor kid. Poor us. Hopefully his feet keep a steady pace for the next 17 years until they stop growing.

I just took the carseats out of my dad and Andrew's car and checked the height/weight requirements again and made sure everything was good. I wish I could get my mom to rear face Caelin.

Hay is up.

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