I can't even begin to explain how frustrated/upset/angry I am today. First off, people on the July 2008 Firecracker board have been so touchy lately. I thought I would try and do something to bring everyone together due to the recent uproar about a nasty anonymous blog that was written about some of our girls on the board. Apparently, my idea didn't work, and it 'OFFENDED' certain people, and the whole idea pretty much went to shit. I was all about saying nice things about others, but once people piss me off, I get rude. I decided two weeks ago that I was going to say what I felt more often, and not let people walk all over me. So far, I have let go of a few so called 'friends' who weren't even worth talking to anymore.
My second issue, is that my nice camera that Andrew had gotten for me last September as an anniversary gift, that I literally use 'daily', was dropped into a glass of iced tea by Hayden. I guess he was tired of getting his picture taken. It's hard to be mad at him though because it cracks me up how he has this newfound skill of putting things in other things, and taking things out, and putting them back. If only I could get him to clean up his own toys.....
Third is Andrew's behavior last night. I was having a meltdown/panic attack from stress, and he didn't show up until way late from hanging out with his friends, and he was completely out of it. He wasn't any help to me, wouldn't console me, or anything nice at all. I made him sleep on the couch because I was so mad. I don't even feel like dealing with him today.
On the bright side, here are some pictures I got of Hayden right before he trashed my camera.
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